When I run, or when I do any sort of workout for that matter, I sometimes feel like I need a little boost. Every once in a while there's that awesome run where I have that amazing amount of energy the whole time, thinking I might have sprouted wings, or became a superstar athlete, or something of the sort - but then reality kicks back in next time. I'll be a bit sluggish on the next run. A little tired, feeling like I could use a little pep in my step.
Being a Sweat Pink Ambassador, I was given the opportunity to try out and review a Pre-Workout Energizer by
Vega Sport. I was excited about this because I've been wanting to try a pre-workout drink for a while, I just was nervous about it. I had tried one once before (I can't remember the name), and it had me feeling all jittery. My heart felt like it was racing out of my chest and I wasn't sure that combined with the extra work your body is doing during a workout was a good combination. I don't need my heart exploding during a run. Not a fun time, in my opinion.
Why was I excited about
Vega Sport then? Well, these products are plant based and don't have those crazy chemical components that I believe is what got my all crazy feeling. Let me backtrack a moment and tell you how Vega Sport cam about.
Brendan Brazier is an endurance athlete who was looking for a plant-based way to fuel his training and recovery. He knew there had to be an easy way to get what his body needed nutritionally and still keep in plant based. After much time researching the all-in-one nutritional shake Vega One was created. This then lead to an entire line of plant based fuel and recovery supplements for endurance athletes.
I was given a choice of which Vega Sport product I wanted to try out - which was awesome. I picked the Pre-Workout energizer because I sometimes just feel to tired to workout. Or sometimes I just feel too tired during a workout. I feel like a little extra help from a pre-workout formula might be just what I need to help during the many months of marathon training I have ahead of me.
So what is the pre-workout energizer?
It's a drink mix with a blend of 13 plant based ingredients that work together to provide immediate and sustained energy, increase endurance, aerobic, and anaerobic capacity, and enhance mental focus and recovery.
This drink mix has two complimentary carbohydrates to provide both instant and slow burning fuel for your workouts. Organic brown rice syrup has a high glycemic index (90) so it enters the bloodstream quickly, and organic palm nectar has a low glycemic index (35) so it provides a slow, steady energy that won't spike or crash.
You drink it 20 minutes before your workout
It's available in Acai Berry or Lemon-Lime
So what did I think?
I went on a run without the product, just so I could have something to compare using the product to. I hadn't run in quite some time, and I need to start back up again for marathon training, so this was the perfect time to start testing out a product.
My first run - crappy. I couldn't keep a steady pace for the life of me, I kept wanting to stop and walk. I felt super tired and when I got home I just layer on the floor. And that was just after 3.1 miles.
When I added the product before my run I didn't feel anything at first but when I started my run it was different. I kept a steady pace, I didn't feel like walking, and I didn't tire out as quickly. I wasn't going any faster - but I definitely felt like I could have went longer. (This is helpful since most of my runs will be much longer than 3.1 miles!)
I felt this way each time I ran with the product. Unfortunately I'm just building my base milage up again, so I didn't go for any long runs, but I know I wasn't tired at the end and could definitely run further with it. And to test out my theory, I threw a day without in the mix, and that run did not go so well.
And the taste....
I received the Acai Berry flavor so I was a bit skeptical about how I would find the taste. I thought that I would absolutely HATE it since I'm not a fan of berry. The first time I had the drink I just mixed it with water and drank it. Honestly I didn't like the taste all that much, but it wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be. I was able to drink it, which was surprising. I usually can't stand to drink berry flavors AT ALL.
The second time I tried adding ice and this helped. Having it nice and cold made it taste better for me.
The third time I tried it I added half of a crystal light packet to change the flavor. Now, for some people who may want a more natural approach this may not work - but for me it tasted SO much better!
I plan on purchasing and trying out the lemon-lime because I think I would be happier with that flavor and I'd rather not have to add anything to it. I think the product works for me, and it didn't make me jittery or make me feel weird in any kind of way, so I want to keep using it and see how it works during the long runs.
I can definitely see this staying a part of my routine during my training for the Chicago and Paris Marathon.